Garlic, Thyme and Goat’s Cheese Quiche


A delicious sticky, garlicky quiche recipe that's packed with flavour! A lot of garlic goes into this recipe, but fear not: its strength gets mellowed with the cooking process.

by Good Housekeeping
Prep. Time
45 Mins
Cook Time
1 Hrs 30 Mins
  • Ingredients
  • Method




First make the pastry. Using a food processor, pulse the butter into the flour until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Alternatively, rub butter into the flour using your fingers. Pulse/mix in the dried thyme and a large pinch of salt, followed by 2tbsp icy cold water. Pulse/mix until pastry just comes together. Tip on to a work surface, shape into a disc, wrap in clingfilm and chill for 30min.


Meanwhile, caramelise the garlic cloves. Peel cloves and put into a small pan. Cover with cold water, bring up to the boil over high heat and simmer for 2min. Drain. Return empty pan to medium heat, add the oil and blanched garlic cloves and fry for 2min. Add balsamic vinegar, thyme sprigs and enough water to just cover the cloves. Bubble until nearly all the liquid has reduced, then add the honey and cook until any remaining liquid is thick and sticky. Discard thyme sprigs and set aside.


Lightly flour a work surface and roll out pastry; use to line a 20.5cm round, 3.5cm deep fluted tart tin, leaving excess pastry hanging over the sides. Prick base all over with a fork. Chill for 10min.


Preheat oven to 190ºC (170ºC fan) mark 5. Line pastry in the tin with a large sheet of baking parchment and fill with baking beans. Cook for 20min, until pastry sides are set. Carefully remove parchment and baking beans. Return tin to the oven for 12-15min, until pastry is lightly golden and feels sandy to the touch. Remove from oven and turn oven temperature down to 170ºC (150ºC) mark 3.


Meanwhile, for the filling, in a large jug whisk the eggs, cream, crème fraîche, a few large pinches of salt and plenty of freshly ground black pepper until combined. Whisk in most of the thyme.


Trim overhanging pastry with a serrated sharp knife. Scatter goat’s cheese into base base of the pastry case (still in tin). Pour in the cream mixture, spoon on the caramelised garlic (lots will sink) and scatter over remaining thyme.


Cook for 40min, or until filling is golden and just set (the filling will soufflé on cooking and settle on cooling). Allow to rest for 5min before transfer to a serving plate or board. Serve warm or at room temperature with a crisp green salad.

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